Invitation to post images (Taney Roniger)

There's been so much talk over the last ten days about visual form, and while this has been wonderful, it occurs to me that we've seen so few images. I'd like to invite our panelists to post any images they'd like to share on our final day -- their own or those of other artists.  Let's close this out with a feast for the senses!

Here's my offering (an installation shot from my recent show Never the Same River):

(click on image to enlarge)


Jon Sakata said...

Taney, my wife and I so much look forward to experience your work in the flesh, proximate, with breath and microscope. Everything we’ve seen online feels so magnetic to us; we can only imagine the power and lyrics in person!

Looking forward to such!

Deborah Barlow said...

I fell in love with Taney's work from my first view. Being with it, in the flesh, is in my future: as an IRL experiencer (when the virus allows) at a future exhibit as well as from being a collector. I want to wake up and have a feast of Taney's wisdom and her deft hand, face to face, every day.